Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cinema Wasteland

All of the Jean Claude Teasers were shown last week at the KICK ASS horror convention, Cinema Wasteland in Strongsville, Ohio. The convention was packed with horror fans that were subjected not only to scenes of sweet mayhem in two screening rooms, but also to stars like Sid Haig (House of Thousand Corpses, The Devil's Rejects), Brad Loree (Halloween) and the multi-talented Tom Sullivan (the guy behind the scenes of Evil Dead).

Johnny (director of Jean Claude), Rion (2nd ASST Director) and I (Kyle, the doof who designed the JC website and did some other stuff) wandered around the sea of vendor tables looking at the extensive array of horror and sci-fyish merchandise. After wandering for a while, I came face to face to the perfect toy for my alter ego Jean Claude... a zombie teddy bear with a removable face from the Teddy Scares collection. Johnny ended up buying it for me since it was my birthday.

(Please do not sue me for posting this pic. I will SO take it down if you do not want it on this site. Jean Claude is an old, toothless Frenchman... he cannot even afford proper healthcare let alone a lawyer. So... just, tell the dumb-ass admin from the Jean Claude to take down the bear pic if it infringes on any copyright stuff. We now bring you back to your regularly scheduled blog!)

What is ironic about this zombie bear is that in one of the scenes of Jean Claude, father comes across his co-worker Harry Smith from the factory. However, Harry Smith is in the process of getting attacked by a horde of zombies (including a little clown zombie with balloons). The end result of Harry's experience with the zombie orgy is that he gets his face ripped off and the audiance gets to see the end result :-D. I love over the top gore!

"For the love of God, My f----ing face!!!!"

Harry's Face Before the Gore.

Harry's Face Before Going Into Mom's Blender.

Awe poor Harry Smith... Some people just need to suffer for their art! I would show you a picture of that scene, but that has yet to be shot. The scene above has already been shot and you can see his face entering the blender in the 2nd teaser .

From the general feedback, the Jean Claude teasers did well at the convention. Oddly enough, the teaser with Jean Claude dancing seemed to be the crowd favorite on Friday night. My guess is that my dancing was so bad that it created some type of mass hysteria, causing the audience to enter a schizophrenic state that in their mind's projected something that was freaken hilarious on the screen... like... a bunny... with an axe... killing... a... trumpet wielding.... man... in...a... furry... suit.. or something. Man people are weird thinking about killer bunnies. Eh. my own self-hatred for my dancing to the side, I think overall that teaser is pretty funny. You do not see a 70-80 year old, zombie busting out raveish moves everyday! Someone should start a website like the or something around those lines. It would be kind of like hamster dance, but 500000x more annoying. It will be the next internet rave like that one kid that did that ozone song... on his webcam... sitting there...singing. Wow great stuff! That alone should win a telly.

Anyways, I want to thank Tom and Josh for the invite and especially Ken who allowed us to play our teasers at the Wasteland!

In honor of Tom... I have posted Tom as a cartoon here. Thanks Tom!!!


Thanks again!

-The Gumming Webmaster

Monday, April 7, 2008

The News Will Now Be Blogged

The News will now be posted on however; you may access it from the website through the media section. Please feel free to post new comments in our blog. We will try to keep you up to date with current information regarding The Gumming Zombie. There will also be blogs by the actors, writers, crew peeps, special fx peeps, and the director. Feel free to check back frequently.

The Gumming Webmaster.